"Hospitals are of limited benefit if women cannot reach them, if there are no ambulances or roads for the ambulances to travel on."
Hans Rosling, Factfulness
The challenge
Every day in 2020, almost 800 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Most maternal deaths are preventable, as the health-care solutions to prevent or manage complications are well known.
All women need access to high quality care in pregnancy, and during and after childbirth.
The transportation for pregnant women in rural Africa is a well-known obstacle for reducing maternal mortality.
What we do
We develop and manufacture Eezer Motorcycleambulances and help our clients and partners to implement safe and affordable transportservices in rural African settings.

800 women die everyday!

Some results so far...
23 959
Pregancy related transports in Burundi 2021-2023
Support our work
Who we are
Eezer AB, Sweden
Eezer AB owns the Eezer brand and is responsible for quality and concept development.
Eezer Association of Sweden
The Eezer Association is responsible for mobilizing and organizing volonteers and fundraising in Sweden.
Reducing maternal mortality is one of the UN’s most ambitious development goals. The root causes are multifaceted, and transportation between home and clinic is a well known bottleneck.